Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mapplethorpe, Opie, Jo Spence, Zhang Huan, Glenn Ligon

Catherine Opie

Zhang Huan, My America (hard to acclimatize), 1999

Schneemenan, Abromovic

Schneeman, Meat Joy, 1964

"Meat Joy has the character of an erotic rite: excessive, indulgent, a celebration of flesh as material: raw fish, chickens, sausages, wet paint, transparent plastic, rope brushes, paper scrap. It's propulsion is toward the ecstatic-- shifting and turning between tenderness, wilderness, precision, abandon: qualities which could at any moment be sensual, comic, joyous, repellent."

Imponderabilia, 1977

Interview with Abromovic, taken from magazine New York Art,
"Provocateur: Marina Abramovic", Karen Rosenberg, Published Dec 4, 2005

How would your work be different if a man performed it?
I really think there’s no difference between an art piece made by a man and one made by a woman. Is it a good art piece or a bad art piece? Of course, if you’re female, you’re maybe dealing with different issues.

"Art and the Body" Presentation

Video of Orlan shedding light on her surgeries:

Reva Leher, Circle Stories
Portraits of artists with disabilities

Yoko Ono, Cut Piece, 1965
short film of performance

The Ugly Laws